Day Trip: Breathwork for Emergence (CANCELED)
2:00 PM14:00

Day Trip: Breathwork for Emergence (CANCELED)


In this workshop, Josephine Edmondson will guide you in a specific circular breathwork technique that will motivate trapped energy to move out of you. This breathwork releases stuck emotions that are blocking you from reaching your fullest expression of self.

Emma High will be spinning her turntable music magic, allowing you to swirl into the ultimate soundscape abyss.

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Prenatal Yoga Series
to Jun 23

Prenatal Yoga Series

with Mckenzie Riepen

Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to tend to the physical body during pregnancy and build strength to prepare for labor and delivery. This series will also be a supportive group container—offering emotional and spiritual foundations for building greater awareness around the new or evolving role as mother, releasing stress and worries of the future, and a way to build a deeper connection with baby.

This class meets once a week on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30p

cost $88


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10 Truths | Mindfulness for Healing
1:30 PM13:30

10 Truths | Mindfulness for Healing


The 10 Truths Workshop is for anyone who struggles with anxiety, burnout, or stress. Through conversation, meditation, and journaling, Flourish cofounder Sarah Hyde will be teaching mindful methods for healing anxiety - including our powerful 10 Truths tool - and how to use mindfulness in your daily life to remain grounded and alleviate anxiousness.

early bird $35

last minute $40


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Breathwork w/ Regina Rocke
6:30 PM18:30

Breathwork w/ Regina Rocke


Join Breathwork facilitator, Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, 500hr certified yoga instructor and NASM certified personal trainer Regina Rocke for a very special Breathwork event at Sangha. Participants will be guided through a grounding meditation, time for reflection on their intentions for the session and of course lots of breathing.

early bird $40

last minute $45


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Body Kind Basics
1:00 PM13:00

Body Kind Basics


This 2-hour workshop will focus on creativity & providing an experience for students in your classes. The workshop will begin with a movement practice and include a crash course on Body Kind Yoga, a posture exploration, and space to figure out what the group wants to learn for the day.

cost $25


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Feel Good Flow
6:30 PM18:30

Feel Good Flow


This 90-minute session will focus on connection: with our bodies, our breath, and our community. Feel Good Flows are a slow flow vinyasa style class, with some restorative poses included, and a nice long Savasana.

early bird $17

late registration $20


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6:30 PM18:30

Path to Courage | Restoration Through Sound and Stillness

Join yoga teacher Sharon Barto Gouran and sacred sound artist Stephanie Wood for a restorative evening with inspiration around 2022's lunar new year. Sharon will lead you through restful, renewing yoga postures while Stephanie creates an immersive sound experience with a plethora of gongs and other instruments. Together, we’ll explore rest and renewal as a path towards embodying courage, enthusiasm and generosity.

No experience needed. This event is in-person only and limited to 25 participants. Masks required (thanks!) Price will never be a barrier. Please email if financial assistance is needed.

Cost $45 - $40 prior to 2/23

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6:30 PM18:30

DreamScape Breathwork

DreamScape is a grandmother breath. A nourishing, carrying, and supportive teacher.

It is a type of the breath that is continual, feminine in nature and very present only awaiting your permission to lead you. It allows you to come into the self and explore their your own vastness. We can all come to a place of peace and deep knowing.

Right now on this planet we are grieving the old and learning to map out the new. We can see this in our personal lives. How work looks like now, how family and personal is spent.

During this class we will be spent laying down. Priscilla will lead a short movement meditation and then guide you into a relaxation using Lisa Wemberger’s method to relax the thinking part of the brain. This method is meant to allow you to feel safe and comfortable. We will then move into the breath as we listen to music.

Recommended to bring are blankets, eye mask, and a journal.

Join this practice Live on Zoom or In-Studio


$35/early bird before 2/15 $30

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6:30 PM18:30

Yoga Nidra for Integration

When, throughout each day, do we have time for inner exploration and quiet? The past year and a half has profoundly changed our lives, but have we had the time and space to fully integrate it and resource ourselves? To fill our cups a little more, rather than reacting from depletion?

Spend an evening traveling through your subtle body. Become submerged in the layers of self and discover the boundlessness which resides in all of us, unaffected by cultural or personal narratives that may restrain us in everyday life.

Join Stacy in studio or online. Please make sure you arrive a few minutes early, either virtually or in person, so you can settle in before practice.

This practice will be available either for an in-person experience or a virtual one.

The purpose of Yoga Nidra is Samadhi, a state of meditative consciousness which exists in the realm between awake and asleep— a subtle realm which often brings one insight and self-awareness.

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice. Stacy is currently studying Yoga Nidra with Tracee Stanley and Chanti Tacoronte-Perez.

If you have an eye pad, please bring it with you, along with a bag of rice (small) or something equivalent to place on your stomach.

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1:00 PM13:00


Join McKenzie Riepen for an introduction to myofascial release and explore the many healing benefits of this practice in self care including:

• increased hydration
• increased circulation
• increased relaxation
• improvement in mind/body coordination ie: range of motion, flexibility, and athletic performance

Myofascial Release (MFR) is one of the most effective and accessible tools for de-stressing and rejuvenating your incredibly resilient tissues. 

MFR refers to anything that works with the muscles (myo) or the fascia (connective tissue). Connective tissue—the largest sensory organ of the body—is constantly responding, and even more impressively, adapting to the demands from our physical body.

During this workshop, we'll work with therapy balls to release common trigger points in the body and explore the effects through mindfulness and meditation. Think of it like a self massage from head to toe.

Early Bird $35

$40 after December 16th

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6:30 PM18:30

Seeding a Sankalpa with Yoga Nidra

Seeding a Sankalpa is not about setting a goal or manifesting an outcome. It’s an open question, asking the universe to reveal hidden layers of our selves to our consciousness.

Join us for an evening of sacred rest and intention, guided by Stacy. In nidra, we move through the three stages of rest, beginning with simple relaxation through diaphragmatic breathing, followed by pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), which comes after one has dropped through deep relaxation into a state of deep internal awareness. From there, we enter turiya, a deep state of equanimity, when one's perception of the physical body falls away, replaced by pure consciousness. This state is also called Samadhi— it's where gamma brain waves become active.

In this practice we will begin by seeding a Sankalpa, or intention. For twenty minutes there will be guided journaling, helping each student identify their negative vasanas (hidden desires and/or limiting beliefs) to create fertile ground for inner change.

Stacy is studying Yoga Nidra with Tracee Stanley and Chanti Tacorante-Perez. This lineage descends from the Himalayan Masters. Please be willing to bring a journal and pen, spend some time writing, and then be ready for deep openness and expansiveness. You'll leave this workshop clear-eyed and serene. Calming music is played throughout this practice. If laying down for long periods is painful for you, accommodations can be made for your comfort.

$30 early bird

$35 after November 19th

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10:00 AM10:00

Maitrī Meditation and Journaling with Stacy (they/them)

The Pali word Maitrī literally translates to benevolence, which itself means "an act of kindness," but can also be translated to "unconditional friendliness." Yet, developing Maitrī (also called Metta) takes practice and cultivation.

In this workshop we'll begin with an immersive, fully guided Maitrī meditation, practiced in the traditional Buddhist way. This meditation is composed of several layers, and has been scientifically proven to increase loving-kindness towards oneself and others.

Upon finishing the meditation, we'll move through a short, gentle yoga series followed by some journaling and reflection.

Stacy began their Buddhist meditation practices at age eight, when her grandfather took her to temple. They are passionate about the power of Maitrī meditation to change the world and rewire our brains for more self-love and acceptance, which ripples outward in profound ways. They are trauma informed, and those working with trauma or difficult emotions can feel safe coming to this workshop, as there will be cues for shaping one's personal experience depending on one's personal comfort level.

This meditation generates a sense of gratitude and a greater capacity for kindness. You'll receive a worksheet with the Maitrī meditation for home practice, if you'd like to continue practicing on your own.

This workshop is by donation, with all proceeds going towards Indigenous nonprofits, including the Na’ah Illahee Fund, the Chief Seattle Club, and the Indigenous Showcase.

Friday 11/26

10:00-11:15 am

Zoom and in-person

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10:00 AM10:00

Embodied Gratitude

Join Heather Falkin for a blissful flow to align the body, mind and heart with gratitude. Before you celebrate the blessings of the day get on your mat and take time for yourself to reflect on the blessings in your life.

Heather will use chanting, asana, pranayama and meditation to support students in discovering the abundance that resides within.

This is a hybrid practice. A link will be sent out the day of to join virtually.

Thursday 11/25

10-11:30a PST

In Person Cost $30

Early bird pricing before 11/23 $25

Zoom Live Virtual Cost $25

Early Bird Pricing Before 11/23 $20

no one is turned away. if you need assistance please reach out to

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6:30 PM18:30

Receive & Renew: A Restorative Yoga Sound Bath

Join Sarah Hyde for a restorative yoga & sound bath workshop on Friday, November 19th at Sangha Yoga. This workshop will be in-person only, so that practitioners can fully experience and receive the vibrations from the crystal singing bowls. Sarah will guide you through a short guided meditation followed by a series of restorative yoga postures, and treat you to a replenishing sound bath. This is the perfect way to recharge before the bustle of the holiday season. Space will be limited to 25 students, masks are required.

Early bird pricing (through 11/17) $30

$35 for last-minute registrations

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6:30 PM18:30

Fall Into Stillness with Nancy Lea

It’s dark, the leaves are falling, and many trees and plants are leaning into dormancy, preserving their energy as darkness descends. As the days grow shorter we may yearn for the long, sunny days of summer, but this season can be as fruitful as the brighter days if we cultivate our inner sense of knowing.
Autumn teaches us so much; to turn inward and embrace the quiet. To ease up on frenetic and generative energy and take time to be contemplative and introspective.

We cannot be in full bloom all the time, or we will burn out. Many of us are burned out already. This practice is a way to cool down our inner fire and find stillness and refuge.

Please join Nancy Lea for a quiet, meditative practice to connect with stillness and reflection.

Our evening will include:

Yin and restorative postures, pranayama, yoga nidra and a sound bath. Nancy will weave in and share relevant teachings from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

All proceeds for this event go to support Sangha in staying afloat during this challenging time.

A seasonal practice to embrace the quiet, contractive energy of fall.

Early Bird: $30

After October 21: $35

Open to all levels

The studio provides bolsters, blankets, blocks and straps. We encourage you to bring an eye pillow (or washcloth) and any other cozy items that will enhance your experience. Wear comfortable clothing and make sure you have everything you need to stay warm.

No one turned away for lack of funds. Please email if you need financial assistance.

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